Monday, March 25, 2013

Take Action Against Cutting Foreign Aid

For my Take Action assignment, I sent a message to congress. You may do the same by following this link: The letter went as follows:

As your constituent and a supporter of Oxfam America, I am writing to urge you to support full funding for poverty-focused development assistance in the International Affairs Budget, and oppose any budget cuts to lifesaving foreign assistance for the world's poorest communities.

While Oxfam America does not take US government money, it does support effective, aid programs that save lives and deliver results. Right now, forty percent of the world's population - more than 2.5 billion people - lives in poverty, struggling to survive on less than $2 per day. The persistence of global poverty poses a challenge to our security, prosperity and values.

While I recognize our nation's fiscal constraints, poverty-focused assistance represents less than 1% of the federal budget, which is nearly all the funding America devotes to fighting global poverty, disease, hunger and the destabilizing effects of extreme weather on the world's poorest countries and communities. 

In order to help address the need of those living in acute poverty, I urge you to fund the poverty-focused development accounts at least at the FY 2013 Senate-passed levels. This includes Development Assistance ($3.1 billion of which $1.2 billion for Feed the Future and $123 million for adaptation programs that build resilience to extreme weather and the effects of a changing climate), Millennium Challenge Corporation ($898 million), USAID Operating expenses ($1.4 billion), and the Strategic Climate Fund ($50 million).
These tools are critical for sustaining American leadership to build a better, safer world. I urge you to fully fund these effective programs and oppose any budget cuts to poverty-focused development assistance for the world's poorest communities.

I then signed my name and sent it.  This issue connects with our current event issue of SNAP and government aid because if our tax money is able to be put towards our own citizens, many of whom abuse the aid, why can't it also be used for those starving in other countries - the people who REALLY need aid? I felt good about signing and sending the message to congress because it is an issue I seriously support.  Only a small percentage is taken from our tax money, and that small amount can do great things.  I know there are many people in our own country starving, and we need to continue to support those who really need it.  However, there are way too many people in this country abusing the aid they receive.  Funding to these people should be cut and sent to those in other countries truly living day to day in poverty, just hoping to see the next morning.

Sending this letter to congress reflects democratic values because it allows the people of America to have a say.  Whether congress listens or not is another story.  As Americans, we have a right to fight for what we believe in, and we are able to vocalize our ideas and opinions to those in charge, which is an amazing thing.  People fought for us to have these rights, and people in other countries are fighting for the same thing. TO not take advantage of being able to voice our opinions would be a waste of our freedom!

I think it is incredibly important to teach about social issues.  If possible, I hope to start each day in my classroom with one, whether current or historical.  Learning isn't just what we get out of books.  It is about the experiences we are faced with everyday, in our own country and in the world as a whole.  We must be aware of the issues of the world so that we may work together to solve them and make the world a peaceful, safe place for all.

As mentioned in previous blog posts, I am on the fence about the issues surrounding federal aid through SNAP.  There are those in the country who certainly need it and justly use the aid.  However, for those who abuse the system, the aid must stop.  I do not want my tax money to be used for others to buy Coach purses, fancy cell phones, liquor, cigarettes, lottery tickets, strippers, drugs, etc.  I am fine with my money being used to feed children, and I am fine with it being used to feed struggling adults.  I am NOT okay with it being used for illegal or unnecessary items while there are people in serious need starving and dying on the streets.  Something must be done.

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