Monday, March 18, 2013

Interviews on the Public's Thoughts

Interview: Conducted by Julia Lippi
Problem: Whether drug testing should be done on recipients of government aid and food stamps. 
First name of the person you interviewed and/or their title in the community:

Stephanie; customer service representative. 
Tell the person about the issue you are studying. Then ask the following questions:
Is this a problem you think is important? 
“I do think it is important because I know the people downstairs and the people across the street are definitely on drugs all the time, and they don’t even work! They just sit on their a$$es all day and I seen them drinking even in the morning in the summer. They’re useless and they are getting food stamps and cash benefits, too. There should also be “lazy testing” because they literally do nothing all day. They’re always home, and they are just sucking up all the people’s tax money. They don’t deserve it. I know I get those things but I try my hardest and try to work a lot. I’m not the most positive example and I know I made mistakes in the past, but I don’t do drugs anymore and I try to set a good example for my girls.”
Do you think others in our community think it is an important problem?
“I don’t think anyone really cares as long as they get their money! HA! There are so many people who sell their food stamps, like for fifty dollars in food stamps I could just get like thirty dollars in cash. I get seven hundred dollars in food stamps a month and I never use that much. It’s too much for one month, so I can trade some for cash and buy diapers or clothes for my kids. I know I’m not supposed to do that, but at least I’m not buying crack or alcohol with it. It’s to benefit my kids and as far as I’m concerned, it’s money that is given to me anyways, no matter what I spend it on.”
What are advantages of this policy?
“People who are clean should be able to get help if they really, truly need it. I really need it and I would be so screwed if I didn’t have it. What would I do? Live in a shelter for my whole life? Thank God I don’t have to and that there is money to help me out. I hope I don’t have to stay on it forever. I’m really trying.”
What are disadvantages of this policy?
“Maybe some people who are clean for like a year suddenly slip up. Should their kids suffer for their mother or father’s mistakes? Whatever about the parents, but little kids or babies?! I don’t know to get around slip ups or even people who stay on drugs, but what about their kids? Is there something in place for them so they can eat? What about if they test positive for drugs? Would the kids get put into foster care? You have me freaking out about those poor kids. I don’t know why people start on that stupid stuff in the first place.”
Do you think it is a good idea to start drug testing people when they apply for food stamps?
“I do and I don’t. Like I said, what about the kids? They have to starve or get taken away from their parents?”
I never really took the kids into consideration when thinking about drug testing.. hmm.. I’ll have to look into that, but I’m assuming that they would get free food from school.. I’ll check it out, but let’s just say that the kids would get what they need, regardless.
Do you think it violates people’s rights and invades their privacy to drug test them?
“I don’t think it violates anyone’s privacy. If they are doing drugs then they just shouldn’t apply for it, and if they do then they are stupid for doing it. If they want the money, then they should be willing to do what it takes for themselves and their kids.”
Would you mind being drug tested?
“I wouldn’t mind at all. I'm not on drugs so if it helps me, then I’ll do it.”

Reflection: This young woman was who I had in mind when I thought of the whole drug testing for government benefits, so I knew I wanted to interview her. She has had it rough: abusive ex-husband, three kids under 6, lived in a domestic abuse shelter, single mother, and alcoholic past. She is now on a very positive path (thankfully) and has worked hard to get there. She speaks in a very real and open way and so I wanted to get her take on the issue, seeing as she is a recipient. I hadn’t put much thought into the fact that children could suffer from cutting off benefits. According to, “The requirements often do not affect the eligibility of a child in a home where the parent tests positive, however, a family member or other designated person who has also passed a drug test is required to be the protective payee for the child's benefits.” She was relieved, as was I, after reading this.
(Photo is not of actual interviewee, as for privacy reasons.)

Interview: By Alexa Reinhardt
 Should drug testing should be done on recipients of government aid and food stamps??
 Interviewee: Courtney- cashier and student

Is this an issue you find important?
Yes I find this issue important because there's a great deal of people who abuse the availability of food stamps.

Do you think this is an important issue to the people in your community?
I can't really speak for people in my community but I do think that if you're on drugs and not working then you definitely don't deserve this aid. I work my ass off only to barely keep myself above water so I appreciate the help I can get from food stamps.

What are the advantages of this policy?
The advantage is that people that work hard and are clean can get the help they need.

What are the disadvantages of this policy?
I don't really see any disadvantages to be honest.

Do you believe people should be drug tested when they apply for food stamps?
I think its a good idea to start drug testing people when they apply for food stamps. I'm actually surprised that I wasn't drug tested, I just thought that was what they already did. I'm sure a lot of people will be upset but they're the ones on drugs that won't get the benefits so that doesn't concern me at all. No one should be able to get paid to be a drug addict or alcoholic.

Do you believe people have a right to be offended by this policy?
I don't think it violates anyone’s rights or privacy. You're asking for money, the least you could do is do a drug test.

Would you be willing to take a drug test for your food stamps?
I would be super excited to be drug tested. If I was doing drugs I wouldn't deserve the benefits.


  Courtney is currently a student at SSU; she is twenty-one years old. Courtney has been on food stamps for the past four months. She lives in an off-campus apartment and pays for her own food, books, rent, cellphone, car insurance, gas, utilities, and more.She does all of this while working a part-time job at Dunkin Doughnuts.
The reason I chose Courtney to interview was because I found her easy to relate to. She is close in age to me, and many of the students in our class. I agreed with much of what she said in her interview. I also feel as though many people abuse the rights of food stamps and that drug testing is a solution to that problem. I learned that her opinions are much like mine, and this may have to do with the fact that we are in similar situations. Although I am not on food stamps, I am a financially responsible student who struggles,

*This photo is not of Courtney.

Interview by: Amanda Cosgrove

This person who I choose to interview is Alicia. Alicia is a married woman who runs a business and is a current undergraduate at Salem State University.

** This photo is  not of Alicia****
The problem in which I interviewed her was regarding Food Stamps and EBT Cards

Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?

Yes, because all my hard earned tax money is going to people who don’t deserve it

She doesn’t go out and buy herself nice things because of lack of money people who are sitting and not working are able to but nice things with government taxes

Tax payers money

“Have you ever seen Markey Basket on the 3rd on the month?”

Do you think others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?

Yes, because they do work and have to pay taxes due to working and don’t get any “breaks”

Breaks as in here is $100

If it wasn’t abused it would not be a problem

What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?

 Immigration laws becoming stricter, but its not just immigration

They need to do investigations in household

She told a story of girl who collects food stamps and collect ebt cash lied and said she lives with her uncle but actually using ebt cash for hair products

If their is policy around your issue/ problem/ topic, ask these questions:

Drug Testing for Food Stamps and EBT ?

More important to find out why they don’t have a job why do they need food stamps?

There should be a stricter application process

Further and deeper Investigation on household situations

Doesn’t have to do with just immigration, have to go into further investigation on household

MANY situations in which people are cheating the system
I chose to interivew Alica because there are many people who feel the same way Alicia does. People are just more offended by people whom abuse the government supply rather than people who actually need it. This is where the problem lies. I also chose Alica because she is a married woman who works full time and attends school to support her and her husband's financial needs. It just fustrates her that some people chose to not work because of the government money that is given to them.

My name is Alanna Antonelli. I interviewed my mother, Kathy.  She is a radiographer and mammographer at a local women's health center. I interviews her on the issues regarding food stamps and EBT cards.

Is this a problem you think is important? Why/Why not?
- I do not think this is a huge issue that we should worry about.  There are greater issues in the country that the government should be worried about.  There are greater issues that the PEOPLE should be worried about in terms of where our tax money is going, because a much larger amount is being taken away from us for reasons other than to provide federal aid.
Do you think others in our community think it is an important issue?
- I can see how some may think this is an important problem regarding their hard-earned money; but as previously said, the government is using our money (and much more of it) for things we aren’t even aware of, and I think we should be more concerned about that. 
What are the advantages of drug testing?
- While I am against drug testing, doing so would help to weed out the people who are cheating the taxpayer’s and using their EBT cards for things like drugs or alcohol instead of what they are really meant for.
What are the disadvantages?
- It is a complete violation of these people’s privacy, especially those who are not cheating the system and are properly and honorably using their food stamps/EBT cards. 
How might this policy be improved?
- EBT cards should be able to be used like debit cards, not to take out money, but used at cash registers like a debit/credit card.  Purchases could be tracked this way to see what the money is really being used for.  Also, the government should look into why these people do not have a job (for those who are unemployed) and perhaps help them find jobs to get them off of the aid and able to support themselves and their families. While federal aid is important for those who really need it, there ARE people who receive it and could be doing fine on their own.



I have been able to see/hear several people's different views on this issue.  I can see where my mother is coming from because she feels this is something that does not directly affect her, regardless of the fact that she is a hardworking taxpayer of America.  She is more focused on the other ways the government is using her money (i.e. in unnecessary ways such as government employees salaries).  Also, she knows that some of her money IS going toward food stamps and EBT cards for those that do not deserve or need them, but that there are many people receiving them that desperately DO need this aid and she is glad she can help.  My interview with her opened my eyes to the other side of this conflict. 

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